Excited and scared at the same time

We humans generally don’t like change. There are exceptions of course, but I definitely belong to the large group of people that don’t go looking for big changes. I don’t even like small changes, unless it involves a new pair of shoes ;)

I love being at home, have no need to travel, like my cozy routines. As long as I get to paint, see my friends and cuddle with my cats, I’m a happy girl.

Now, we humans also have a need to evolve. Become better at something, strive towards a more comfortable lifestyle, get to buy more shoes. Evolution is one of my core values. I need to grow as a person, as an artist, as a friend, sister, stranger. And that growth can’t happen without changing some things.

I stand before a big change. A new place to live. A new location, new habits, views and smells. I’m really excited about it, and it scares the living hell out of me. I worry about my cats (they don’t like change either), but I can see us all cuddled up together in the new living room. I lie awake at night, worrying about a million practical things that aren’t even happening yet, but I think about my new art studio, that feels like a dream.

It’s complicated, as are we humans. I try to take it step by step, focusing on the task at hand, being all excited and scared at the same time.


Because it makes me smile


Layers of masks