It’s happening again

It’s happening again…

I was doing it again, overthinking based on my usual fear:

• if I send them a message, people are going to be annoyed

• people are not interested in my art

• if I invite them to the art fair, they will think I expect them to come

• or worse, if they come to the fair, they will think I expect them to buy anything.

This negative soup of thoughts went on for weeks. It’s my usual kind of “logic”.

But as you may know, I have been working on myself, trying to be brave and just… more me. So I remembered the last time I almost got caught up in this exact same web of lies.

It was March 2023 and I organized a studio sale. Encouraged by my wonderful coach I ignored all those thoughts (the exact same ones as I’m having now), and I invited everyone to my little event.

I was just floored by the reactions: people wishing my luck, people thanking me (!) for inviting them, people I hadn’t seen for years showing up, people buying several pieces. I couldn’t believe how wrong my “logic” had been.

Fast forward a year and a half, and I’m being brave again, inviting you all to Artist Meeting. My fears did their absolute best to convince me not to do it, but I was brave, thinking about that other time I over won my anxiety and how amazing that turned out.

And yes, it’s happening again: people wishing me a great time at the art fair, people thanking me for inviting them, people telling me they will come.

I know it shouldn’t be a surprise, but again, I am astounded by the love you are all showing me.

Thank you for that. Again.


What was missing


Could we maybe do this together?