A wild ride

I launched my art business two years ago. It's been an interesting ride, to say the least.

The first year was eye-opening. Painting more and more was wonderful. Not so wonderful was realizing that earning money with my art was going to be way harder than I anticipated. 

I subscribed to several online courses, hoping they would teach me the magic formula. They didn't. Plus, the things they taught me didn't align with my personality. And there is not one magic formula. 

I started year two by getting clear on what I needed help with. And somehow I found a coach that is specialized in exactly that. We have been working together ever since, and it's a massive game changer!

I feel like a real business owner now. I'm learning what works for me and my art, I try different things, and I practice bravery. Like applying for Artist Meeting, a big Art Fair. I did that, and I got in! 

You can find me (and my wonderful new collection 'We are never broken') at Artist Meeting, at the Grand Casino in Knokke, August 18, 19 and 20th.

Feel like coming too? Just let me know. I'll send you some free tickets.


Broken beyond repair


Poker face