Poker face

One of the things I like about getting older, is that I stopped blushing.

In my teens I used to be a huge blusher. I’m not talking about those cute little rosy cheeks you see in movies. No. In practically every human interaction my full head would burst into sweaty tomato mode. Very embarrassing, especially because there was often this one person that felt the need to point out that I was blushing. I know, George. Thanks for spreading the word in case someone in the room hadn’t noticed my red face yet! Very useful.

Anyway, somewhere in my twenties both my acne and my tomato head disappeared.

I can talk to just about anyone now. Even the people I’m a little afraid to approach don’t notice I’m a little embarrassed. Very handy, this poker face. Feels a little like being an adult, actually.


A wild ride


My only option