Changing my focus

As you may have read last week, I haven’t been feeling the best. I find it so difficult to see beyond the unpacked boxes, the to do lists, the things I can’t attend because I have so little energy.

I have decided that, instead of focusing on all that hasn’t been done yet, I’m putting my focus on the things that I’m happy about. So today I’m sharing my gratitude list with you:

  • all the people that have been helping me out in countless ways, from cleaning to doing groceries to sending funny memes. I consider myself a very lucky person, surrounded by the loveliest crowd.

  • Muffin, Casper and Poukie. My cats not only give me a reason to get out of bed every day (for food, obviously), but they entertain me, comfort me, and make sure coming home is always a sweet moment, no matter how exhausted I am. I can’t imagine living alone…

  • my new house. Buying this place has released me from an immense amount of financial stress. Even if I wasn’t thinking about money, the situation was weighing me down.

  • my own bravery. Finding my way in life after my government job hasn’t been easy, and I certainly haven’t done it without support. But it’s so much clearer now what I want my future to look like, and I have been taking steps towards it that I’m pretty proud of. That cliché that says ‘courage is being scared and doing it anyway’… yes, that.


Too weak to lift her little head


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