Introducing: the weekend
For 17 years, I worked a “normal” job, from 9 to 5, 4 days a week. The remaining 3 days were spent recovering, because that kind of schedule is not healthy for my body, even though it was less than what most people do.
Now I don’t have a schedule anymore, which is great. I’m learning to listen to my body first, and then decide how much time I will spend painting, socializing, housekeeping.
I never had any bosses that expected me to work during the weekend. That has slightly changed, because my actual boss kind of does…
You know how our biggest strength often is also our biggest weakness? Apparently the same goes for this new artist life: I can work whenever I want, and also… I can work whenever I feel like I need to. Feel it coming?
Yep. I have been ignoring the idea of ‘taking the day off’. And although I have the best job in the world, I still need to rest from time to time. So I talked about it with my therapist, and he suggested the notion of ‘the weekend’.
It sounds so silly, but it took some convincing in order for me to accept the idea of not working for two whole days a week. We decided that on Saturdays and Sundays I’m not allowed to do any bookkeeping, admin, marketing or computerstuff. Painting is allowed, if I feel like it.
So now I’m back to kind of a “normal” job, in some weird kind of way. Oh, the irony...