Accepting the consequences
Last weekend I presented my new collection (We are) Never Broken at the Knokke art fair Artist Meeting. But in reality I am not able to be on my feet 3,5 days, talk to hundreds of people, stay present.
A little scared to say this out loud
I just finished my collection (We are) Never Broken. It was hard work, both practically and emotionally.
Broken beyond repair
For the largest part of my life I was convinced I was broken beyond repair. I wasn’t being dramatic. I had proof:
My only option
Last week I read that the Irish government pays generous amounts of money to people who are willing to move to one of the nation’s remote islands.
Too weak to lift her little head
Four years ago, my little girl Muffin got sick. I had to leave her at the vet clinic for treatment. I ensured her I would come back, every day, but returning home without her broke my heart.
Changing my focus
As you may have read last week, I haven’t been feeling the best. I find it so difficult to see beyond the unpacked boxes, the to do lists, the things I can’t attend because I have so little energy.
I have decided that, instead of focusing on all that hasn’t been done yet, I’m putting my focus on the things that I’m happy about. So today I’m sharing my gratitude list with you.
Lost in production
At the moment I need nearly all my energy to recover from moving house. That frustrates me, because there’s so much to do: unpacking, administration, a few repairs, decorate, getting to know the oven,…
Trying to make sense of it
I'm scared to hurt those closest to me by allowing myself to be happy. Does that make any sense?
I have done some shitty things in my life. Made stupid decisions, hurt the ones I love, treated myself poorly, made my friends worry. If I'd choose to, I could fill a lifetime with guilt, regret, and self-hatred.
Willing to struggle
When I started painting, one in four paintings turned out how I wanted it to. That number has gone up until three out of four.
1000 little non-routines
It’s been a week since I moved in to my new house, and surprisingly (because I’m not good with change) I’m doing quite well.
That moving thing
That moving thing is getting real now. There’s boxes everywhere, and did you know there’s a ton of things that don’t fit into a box? And then of course, there’s the cats.
An apology
I deliberately keep my expectations low when I do something, especially when I’m outside of my comfort zone. Organizing a studio sale and inviting more than five people is way outside of my comfort zone.
A matter of unlearning
I have one memory of kindergarten. Our classroom had a table with low rims, and it was filled with clay. You could create whatever you wanted. It was my idea of heaven.
A solution to all my problems
"I have found a solution to all my problems", I messaged my friend C three years ago. "I am getting pink hair." C and I are on the same wavelength as it comes to lighting ourselves up.
Chronically early
I’m always early, to any kind of appointment, even when I know for sure that the person will be late. I can’t help it. It’s an anxiety thing.
The fire of necessity
I love making lists. And often artists are advised to make a list of all the ideas they get. When I started painting, I jotted down every idea for a new collection, portrait, theme,… all of it.